"In the great drama of life, God is the only actor.
He is not only the Actor - He also is the Scribe and the Script.
Man is God's radiation, an extension of the Limitless One,
Playing for a little while the billions of parts we call personal lives."
~ Dr. Joseph Murphy, Irish author and Queen of Clubs♣
A Master Script is an organized, mathematical arrangement of 52 cards with the Joker placed atop. Under the rulership of the seven planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), also known as the seven “planetary stages,” there are seven rows down (called horizontal lines) and seven columns (called vertical lines). Beyond the rulership of the seven planets is the row of three cards sitting atop the other rows called the Sun Line.
There is a Master Heaven Script, Master Earth Script and 90 Master Life Scripts. The direct movement through all the Master Scripts is from right to left and top to bottom.
The Master Heaven Script reveals the natural divine order of the cards in Heaven, from Ace of Hearts♥ standing on the Mercury/Mercury (row/column) planetary stage to the King of Spades♠ on the Sun line.
The Master Earth Script, and the additional 90 Master Life Scripts, reveals the order of the Life Cards standing on the various planetary stages here on Earth for every time period in this lifetime. (Master Scripts are also known as grand solar spreads, plates, spreads, trestle boards, etc.)
Playing cards are an ancient calendar for Earth. Each day has a purpose and has a script, a story, all written by the Creator. Below are several definitions for the word “script”. In the Cards of Life, a script is ALL these definitions. A playing card is a script. Much like an Egyptian hieroglyph or Mayan glyph, a playing card, with its color (red or black), face value (Ace through King) and suit (Hearts♥, Clubs♣, Diamonds♦, Spades♠), is packed full of information.
A card is a fractal hologram. A card contains a mathematical code for our lives, much like DNA contains a code for our bodies. A card contains all the details of our lives, all the way down to what will happen, when, with whom, and why–just like a script used in a play or movie. There is a playing card/script mathematically calculated for every day of the year. Your birthday reveals your card, your life, and your destiny!
noun \ ˈskript \
transitive verb
History and Etymology for script (as a noun)
Middle English, from Latin scriptum thing written, from neuter of scriptus, past participle of scribere to write
Writing systems
Arts, entertainment, and media
Computing and technology
Medicine and psychology
This magical movie that we are all players in titled “Life” follows a pre-programmed script that was made in a fractal, holographic way but appears to play out in a linear manner, like a movie that has already been filmed. This is where the Cards of Life can show you specific events in your past and when they happened. They can further show you what will happen in the future because it is already written. As children, we are told that God has a plan for us. Well, here it is…cleverly written in an ancient code of colors, symbols, and numbers.
In the movie industry, screenwriters use scene cards, small index cards, that briefly describe what is going to happen in a particular scene of the movie, to plot out the sequence of events for the characters and the entire screenplay. The cards of your life accomplish the exact same thing. They explain what may seem like random, chaotic, unrelated events in your life, subject to the capricious winds of chance. Everything in your life has order and a divine purpose: your past, your present, and, yes, even your future!
Sources: Merriam Webster and Wikipedia
Learn more about: COURT CARDS, FACE VALUE, KARMA CARDS, PLANETARY STAGES, SUITS, and each card's placement in the MASTER SCRIPTS.
"Consciousness has produced this play.
Consciousness has written the script.
Consciousness is playing all the characters.
And Consciousness is witnessing the play. It's a one man show."
~ Ramesh Balsekar, Indian Advaita (nondualism) Master,
and a Seven of Clubs 7♣
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