High character - practical, organized, stable, conservative, pragmatic, patient, devoted, trustworthy, loyal, hardworking, secure, successful, charming, respectful, fortunate, grounded, intelligent, studious, romantic, solid, calm
Low character - stubborn, fixed, insecure, obsessive, controlling, close-minded, chaotic, restless, fearful, paranoid, judgmental, critical, bigot, arrogant, inflexible, condescending, lazy, resentful, struggle mentality, suspicious, rigid
Charming and charismatic, the Four of Hearts♥ is a “people person” whose deep fulfillment comes from close, satisfying relationships, both at home and at work. As a natural empath, they are highly attuned to the emotional climate around them and tend to address the needs of others before their own. As a unique expression of their card, they are lovingly devoted and dedicated to others. However, co-dependency and/or loving control of others can be a slippery slope for the Four of Hearts♥. As the "marriage and family" card, learning to balance their needs with the needs of others can be a lifelong challenge.
The Four of Hearts♥ Neptune/Mercury planetary placement in the Master Earth Script influences many with this card to be visionaries and futurists in their area of expertise. With an Eight of Diamonds♦ lifetime Destiny Card, being born into a wealthy family, having power with money, being a leader in the financial world, and/or inheriting money can certainly be a part of their life story.
Their Six of Clubs♣ card in Jupiter brings grounded common sense and fairness. With a need to express themselves intellectually, they often serve a greater audience through organizations, teaching or group events. The Eight of Hearts♥ in Mars further boosts their charisma and charm, particularly in working with men, and supports a more public-oriented career of some type. These two cards combined and harmonized give the Four of Hearts♥ person a lot of support in their chosen field.
In Saturn, we find the Six of Spades♠ indicating a need to work in order to find balance in their lives. Staying the course and persevering will pay off in the long run though there are times when they’d rather not and call it a day. With a Six in Saturn, the scales will always balance so it’s better to give their best and enjoy the reward that comes from it. Likely, the consequences of taking short cuts will be karmic in nature and quite uncomfortable in life.
With so much energy going out, Four of Hearts♥ people need to practice impeccable self-care. They are natural healers and supporters of others and must maintain their own body and health in order to sustain their innate capacity to love and nurture the people they care about.
People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through feelings/emotions, art/beauty, children/youth, people/relationships, and love/marriage.
Because of the Four of Hearts♥ placement (Neptune/Mercury) in the Master Earth Script, it is highly recommended that people with this card avoid the use of alcohol and drugs and be cautious with any addictive or mind-altering substances, including prescriptions.
Four of Hearts♥ rules the week of December 3–9 in common years and December 2–8 in leap years.
Four of Hearts♥ Karma Cards:
Challenging Karma Card (-KC) Four of Spades♠
Supporting Karma Card (+KC) Ten of Spades♠
Four of Hearts♥ Birthdays: October 31, November 29, December 27
Famous Four of Hearts♥: C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Christian Doppler, William Masters, Lee Salk, Emma Morano, Lee Grant, Peter Jackson, Diane Ladd, Marlene Dietrich, John Mayall, Dale Evans, Tom Paxton, Larry Mullen, Jr, John Candy, Jane Pauley, Dan Rather, Cokie Roberts, Deidre Hall, David Ogden Steirs, Ethel Waters, Michael Landon, Kim Delaney, Jeff Fahey, Howie Mandel, Rebecca DeMornay, Cathy Moriarty, Vin Scully, John Amos, Peter Jackson, Andrew McCarthy, Petra Kelly, Joe Weider, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Chuck Mangione, Janet Napolitano, Jacques Chirac, Cathy Moriarty, Gerard Depardieu, Johnny Marr, Tovah Feldsluh, Jerry Lawlar, Garry Chandling, Brian Stokes Mitchell, David Knopfler, Kim Delaney, Marin Carr, Howard K Stern, Joe Coen, Dermont Mulroney, Rob Schneider, Don Cheadle, Alex Grey, Heather O'Rourke, Petter Stordalen, George Gilder, Foster Gamble, Patrick Byrne, Kjeld Kristiansen, Dany Garcia, Piper Perabo
Learn more about: COURT CARDS, FACE VALUE, KARMA CARDS, PLANETARY STAGES, SUITS, and each card's placement in the MASTER SCRIPTS.
With a thirst for knowledge and a fairly positive disposition, the Four of Clubs♣ thrives in environments where ideas are exchanged and expanded upon, especially in male-dominated industries. This card of the “structured mind” is often forward-thinking, intuitive and can be decisive in their professions, often advancing through hard work, mental focus and sheer determination.
Amiable and friendly, Four of Clubs♣ people enjoy the company of others, particularly in a work environment. Longing to feel included and accepted, they contribute what they know for the benefit of the group. They often gravitate toward those who can teach them something new that will improve their opportunities in life.
Fairly direct, with an ability to communicate well, the Four of Clubs♣ person can be a persuasive conversationalist. With a Two of Diamonds♦ in Mercury, some of their favorite discussions center on those of shared values. The Four of Clubs♣ needs a belief system to stay constructively focused and sharing these values with others of like mind brings out the best in them.
With a Six of Diamonds♦ in Jupiter, support comes from others through opportunities for lucrative work. Sixes represent a balanced scale and the Six of Diamonds♦ can represent a fair wage for a good day’s work. When the Four of Clubs♣ truly gives their best, they will be justly rewarded in return. Consequently, should they not give it their all, the scales will tip in the opposite direction just as fairly.
People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through their mental nature, thoughts/thinking, communication/language, information/knowledge, and education.
Four of Clubs♣ rules the week of September 3–9 in common years and September 2–8 in leap years.
Four of Clubs♣ Karma Cards:
Challenging Karma Card (-KC) Five of Clubs♣
Supporting Karma Card (+KC) Six of Hearts♥
Four of Clubs♣ Birthdays: April 30, May 28, June 26, July 24, August 22, September 20, October 18, November 16, December 14
Famous Four of Clubs♣: Nostradamus, Kirsten Dunst, Michael Waltrip, Ian Fleming, Rudolph Giuliani, Pearl S. Buck, Greg LeMond, Norman Swartzkoff, Isiah Thomas, Jill Clayburgh, Burt Young, Amelia Earhart, Zahi Hawass, Ray Bradbury, Evelyn McHale, Cloris Leachman, Martina Navaratalova, Eve Arden, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Morey Amsterdam, Thomas Hearns, Gladys Knight, Carroll Baker, Jim Thorpe, Harriet Wheeler, Chris O’Donnell, Lynda Carter, Mike Ditka, Michael Richards, Cindy Williams, Ruth Buzzi, Tori Amos, Gary Cole, Burgess Meredith, Lee Remick, Valerie Harper, Carl Yastrzemski, John Lee Hooker, Claude Debussy, Anne Meara, Wynton Marsalis, Pam Dawber, George C. Scott, Chuck Berry, Jesse Helms, Melina Mercouri, Lisa Bonet, Dwight Gooden, Patty Duke, Royal Dano, George Petrie, Ann Dore McLaughlin, Oliver Braddick, Zina Garrison Jackson, Tahir Shah, Charlie Rich, Dorothy Parker, Sophia Loren, Willie Nelson, Jennifer Lopez, Vanessa Hudgens, Gal Gadot, Clark Gable III, Patrick Bet-David, Jesse Itzler, Brittney Griner, Latitia James, Nayib Bukele, Rev. Thabiti Olatunji, James Comey, Rudy Giuliani, Marco Rubio
Learn more about: COURT CARDS, FACE VALUE, KARMA CARDS, PLANETARY STAGES, SUITS, and each card's placement in the MASTER SCRIPTS.
Pragmatic, self-reliant and straight-forward, financial stability comes to the Four of Diamonds♦ through a solid work ethic. Determined and focused as well, their payoff will be a steady income as a direct effect of the effort expended. This card of financial security and stability will not be able to rest on their laurels, but at least will be rewarded for a job well done. The fruits of their labor will provide the financial foundation to help them feel safe and secure.
In spite of the Four of Diamonds♦ desire for financial stability, people with this card also have a desire for change and adventure. Represented by two Fives as their Karma Cards, the Five of Hearts♥ and Five of Spades♠, they crave freedom from constraints of any kind – perhaps even desirous of financial independence. However, their greatest success comes from applying themselves in a field or career and giving it their best effort. The Four of Diamonds♦ person partners well at work, often with their spouses or friends. With a work, work, work mentality, they need pleasure and some type of adventure to help balance and appreciate life.
Their King of Spades♠ Transformation Card is an undercurrent throughout their life. Drawn to leadership positions, the Four of Diamonds♦ develops their innate talents and abilities through mastering their chosen line of work. Blessed with a sharp mind full of original ideas, their determination to succeed bears fruit usually from mid to later life.
They are held to a standard of cause and effect, perhaps more so than many other cards. A Six of Clubs♣ in Mars in their life script indicates a need for impeccability with their words. In Mars, those words can be expressed as both direct and factual, and downright aggressive. Their Six of Spades♠ card in Jupiter rewards this Four for a job well done. Conversely, justice is equally served if inertia sets in, restlessness prevails or abuse is imposed. Thus is the life task of the Four of Diamonds♦, to work honestly and positively for their rich rewards.
People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through values, both material and immaterial, acquiring worth, commerce, evaluation, financial matters, and business.
Because of the Four of Diamonds♦ placement (Neptune/Venus) in the Master Earth Script, it is highly recommended that people of this card avoid the use of alcohol and drugs and be cautious with any addictive or mind-altering substances, including prescriptions.
Four of Diamonds♦ rules the week of June 4–10 in common years and June 3–9 in leap years.
Four of Diamonds♦ Karma Cards:
Challenging Karma Card (-KC) Five of Spades♠
Supporting Karma Card (+KC) Five of Hearts♥
Four of Diamonds♦ Birthdays: January 23, February 21, March 19, April 17, May 15, June 13, July 11, August 9, September 7, October 5, November 3, December 1
Famous Four of Diamonds♦: Queen Elizabeth I, John Quincy Adams, Martha Washington, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Princess Caroline of Monaco, JP Morgan, Zecharia Sitchin, Madeleine Albright, Harry Reasoner, Michael Dukakis, Yul Brynner, Wyatt Earp, Bette Midler, Ellen Page, Bruce Willis, Leon Spinks, Whitney Houston, Elia Kazan, Ursula Andress, Buddy Holly, Roseanne Barr, Woody Allen, Erma Bombeck, Richard Pryor, Glenn Close, Victoria Beckham, Eddie Arnold, Jennifer Garner, Malcolm McDowell, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Raz-B, Georgio Armani, Emmitt Smith, Ally Sheedy, Deion Sanders, Suzanne Vega, Richard Roundtree, Gillian Anderson, Mario Lemieux, Dennis Miller, Laura Schlessinger, Donald Pleasence, Lou Rawls, Phyllis Newman, Karen Allen, Charles Bronson, Lee Travino, Kelsey Grammer, Nina Simone, Ray Kroc, Trini Lopez, Tim Allen, Richard Dean Anderson, Paul Lynde, Tab Hunter, Melanie Griffith, Treat Williams, Larry Fine, Bob Geldof, Adam Ant, Ken Berry, Julie Condra, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nikki Hilton, Grant Hill, Kate Winslet, Sarah Silverman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Peter Attia, David Foster Wallace, Derek Chauvin, Vivek Ramaswamy, Harvey Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Andrew Tate, Andrew Tata, James R. Doty, Chris Cuomo, Christopher Beskar
Learn more about: COURT CARDS, FACE VALUE, KARMA CARDS, PLANETARY STAGES, SUITS, and each card's placement in the MASTER SCRIPTS.
Cardologically, the Fours (4) of the deck are the sensible, pragmatic architects of structure, form, and security. Stable, hardworking, and down-to-earth, the Four in the suit of Spades♠ determinedly rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. Proud of their achievements and successes, the Four of Spades♠ enjoys being well compensated for their accomplishments. Even though they have a fortunate life script in terms of money, they often keep working harder, worrying whether or not they will have enough for the long haul.
Four of Spades♠ people also have a knack for being in the public eye through social causes, in the performing arts or their career. The Ten of Diamonds♦ card in Venus in their life script offers a lifetime of financial opportunities through family, friends, and their social contacts. Money can, however, be an issue in their life and the stresses regarding money may be felt in their family, too, especially if they have a struggle mentality and/or are in poverty consciousness.
The powerful Eight of Spades♠ card, which occupies the Mars position in their life script, does bless them with ambition and the drive to succeed. Four of Spades♠ can be go-getters in their career and achieve their goals through diligence and hard work. They have the energy to sustain their will and determination through this Eight of Spades♠ power. The lesson with this card, however, is not to bully people with this power but to heal and use their power for good.
Four of Spades♠ people are welcomed in social circles and make good public speakers, writers, and communicators. Intelligent and intuitive, they live by their own truth and a belief in social justice. They find the greatest satisfaction through their professional expression, and in their later years, enjoy the freedom they’ve earned through a life well-lived. Contributing through charitable work or humanitarian efforts brings deep fulfillment to the Four of Spades♠ person.
People of this card and suit are ultimately here to experience life and themselves through work/labor, health, death/dying, wisdom, and/or spirituality.
Four of Spades♠ rules the week of March 5–11 in common years and March 4–10 in leap years.
Four of Spades♠ Karma Cards:
Challenging Karma Card (-KC) Ten of Clubs♣
Supporting Karma Card (+KC) Four of Hearts♥
Four of Spades♠ Birthdays: January 10, February 8, March 6, April 4, May 2
Famous Four of Spades♠: Catherine the Great, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Jules Verne, James Dean, Ed McMahon, Jack Lemmon, Alan Greenspan, Maya Angelou, Rod Stewart, Shaquille O’Neal, Nick Nolte, Tom Arnold, Ted Koppel, Lou Costello, Rob Reiner, George Foreman, Willie Stargell, Dwayne Johnson, Pat Benatar, David “Phoenix” Farrell, Nadia, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Jamie Lynn Spears, Heath Ledger, Josh Keaton, Gary Coleman, Robert Klein, Lana Turner, Seth Green, Marion Barry, Craig T. Nelson, Anthony Perkins, Muddy Water, Frances Langford, Bianca Jagger, Christine Lahti, Audrey Meadows, Robert Downy Jr., Hrithik Roshan, Austin Mahone, Barry Pepper, Clive Davis, David E. Kelley, Graham Norton, Hugo Weaving, Jill Scott, Kitty Kelley, Lorraine Toussaint, David Blaine, Frank Sinatra Jr, Christy Walton, Abigail Marie Clancy, Cash Warren, Jared Kushner
Learn more about: COURT CARDS, FACE VALUE, KARMA CARDS, PLANETARY STAGES, SUITS, and each card's placement in the MASTER SCRIPTS.
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