"12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of joy, 365.24 days of abundance, 8760 hours of love and 525600 minutes of pure magic are secretly packed into each year. All we have to do is find them."
~ Gina E. Jones, American author and a Queen of Diamonds♦
In Cardology, each suit: Hearts♥, Clubs♣, Diamonds♦ and Spades♠ has a Trinity of Court Cards: King, Queen and Jack who rule during their associated quarter of the year. The suit (aka mystic emblem, symbol) of Spades♠ and its royal Spades♠ Trinity begin their reign on January 1st each year, starting with the most powerful card in the deck, the King of Spades♠. He is nicknamed the “Master Card” as he is the King of all Kings and contains all the blessings, gifts, and talents as well as the challenges, and even karma, of all 51 other cards. The Queen of Spades♠ and Jack of Spades♠ follow suit to rule over the months of February and March, respectively.
Learn more about the Face Value, Suits, Planetary Stages, Master Scripts, Court Cards: FACE VALUE, SUITS, PLANETARY STAGES, MASTER SCRIPTS and COURT CARDS
Each year, the King of Spades♠ governs the month of January. Coincidentally, the first day of the year is mathematically calculated as a King of Spades♠. In fact, January 1st is the only birthday/calendar day for the King of Spades♠ in the entire year (see chart below). Since His Highness has a monthly card and a daily card, does he have a weekly card too? Yes, absolutely!
Let’s first take a closer look at the mathematics of weekly ruling cards. While we say there are 52 weeks in a year and 52 cards in a deck, the actual numbers do not match up as perfectly as we would like. The average year has 365.25 days. When we divide the number of days in a year (365.25) by the number of days in a week (7), the result is 52.1786 (rounded up). Where are we to place the remaining .1786 week when we lay out the year in equal 7-day increments?
We assign the remainder (.1786 week) to the Joker, especially since time is continually being added to the atomic clock, albeit in small amounts. Every two to three years, a “leap second” is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in order to synchronize clocks worldwide with the Earth’s ever slowing rotation. Leap second events occur on either June 30 or December 31.
Mathematically, we already assign the last daily card of the year to the Joker. Why not the weekly as well? The trick is to work within the systems (calendars, cards, suits) to make sure they calculate correctly and line up where it all makes sense. We already know that a specific date and its mathematically calculated cardological assignment are the foundation of this system. Cardology is, in fact, an ancient calendar for everything on Earth. Therefore, correct ruling monthly, weekly and daily card calculations and assignments are crucial to maintaining an accurate and reliable cardological calendar and system of understanding ourselves.
For the system of Cardology and the Cards of Life to be accurate, current and reflective of life on the planet, careful analysis and adjustments are required, which includes the variance of seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemisheres. For example, in the United States in the Northern Hemisphere, winter begins in January and ends in March, and in Australia in the Southern Hemisphere, winter begins at the start of June and finishes at the end of August.
Additionally, we cannot overlook days February 29th and December 31st, and the observance of leap years simply for the convenience of having one chart. In common years, there are 365 days and leap years have 366 days. Two charts are absolutely required for accuracy and consistency.
The often “discarded” Joker deserves our respect as a true playing card in our lives. It has proudly enjoyed the last day of the calendar year and now it has its own special Joker version of a week. In leap years, its “week” is December 30th through 31st. In common years, it is December 31st …the same day as its daily calendar/birthday card assignment.
Keep in mind, our solar system is a finely tuned clock and the cards are a finely tuned calendar for Earth. Our stories and life scripts are all brilliantly written in a divine, cosmic cardological code. As keepers of this knowledge, it is our responsibility to continue to monitor and measure the movements of Earth, and even time itself, to keep our understanding of our personal stories as accurate as possible for the benefit of all humanity, today and in the future. We have to be willing to update our concepts and theories of Cardology and revise our apps, books, charts, classes, software programs, websites, etc. as we continue to make discoveries and learn more about the ancient, mystical and sacred science of playing cards.
Monthly Court Cards and Weekly Ruling Cards. Do They Really Influence Our Personalities and Our Lives?
Let’s take a closer look. Using the Queen of Diamonds♦ as an example, it appears that the Monthly Court Cards and Weekly Ruling Cards do, in fact, influence the personalities and characteristics of people with the same Life Card. Looking at the lives of Martin Luther King, Jr., Hugh Hefner, and Julian Assange, all famous Queen of Diamonds♦ men, their differences are quite apparent.
In the table below, we can see that these three famous Queen of Diamonds♦ men have different monthly and weekly cards from each other.
Interestingly, because of the dates of their birthdays (all common years), each one has a double suit influence on their role in life. Additionally, they each have a King Monthly Court Card and another Court Card influence as well in their Weekly Ruling Card. Maybe these double Court Card influences caused them to become well known as leaders on the world’s stage in the areas of life that their double suit represents: King-Spades♠, Hefner-Diamonds♦, and Assange-Clubs♣.
Spades♠ deals with government, health, integrity, labor, military, religion, and wisdom. Diamonds♦ deals with business, commerce, finance, value, and wealth. Clubs♣ deals with communication, education, ethics, information, knowledge, law, and media.
Look at your own Monthly Court Card and Weekly Ruling Card and see how they are influencing your personality, characteristics and your life. You'll be amazed at what you discover!
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