"Seek above all a game worth playing.
Such is the advice of the oracle to modern man.
Having found the game, play it with intensity --
play as if your life depended on it...it does."
~ Robert Sylvester de Ropp, English biochemist, and Jack of Spades♠
Gina E. Jones is a Master Cardologer, Certified Magi Counselor, and founder of The Cards of Life. Gina is also the founder of the International Association of Cardology. She is often referred to as the “Queen of Cardology.”
Gina Jones is also the award-winning author, screenwriter, former radio talk show host and founder of Scene the Light Entertainment. While writing the screenplay for a movie and television series based on her award-winning novel, Flying Between Heaven and Earth, Gina began to see how her own life seemed to be an ongoing movie where she was the star.
Intrigued with the concept that somehow we are all the star of our own movie, she looked back to the earlier years of her life through the cards and discovered that all her experiences growing up were actually written out in her cards like a well-scripted movie. Everything about her life was there, written in an ancient code made up of colors, symbols and numbers, describing the highs and lows of her life in great detail.
Taking a closer look at Cardology, the study of the ancient mystical science behind what are often called “ordinary” playing cards, Gina discovered that there was nothing ordinary about them at all. She also discovered that the story of her life, her movie, began the day she was born and that her birthday not only contains her life story and the character she is playing in this lifetime, but it also magically identifies all the characters and their roles in her life as well. Her card is the Queen of Diamonds♦.
It is said that if Queen of Diamonds♦ people adopt a spiritual path in life, they can realize a special mission and receive great insights about spiritual realization and self-mastery. Gina feels she is doing exactly that by bringing you the recently rediscovered ancient mystical science of the cards and her brand of Cardology called The Cards of Life.
Gina now says, “Shakespeare was right. All the world is a stage. We are merely souls playing roles and each one of us is a character with divinely written script. We all should lighten up and start having some fun while playing out our roles here on planet Earth!”
Gina E. Jones is truly passionate about Cardology and has written several books on the subject and taught over 100 live classes as well. In 2011, Gina was asked what she loves most about being a Certified Magi Counselor.
"What I love the most about sharing the knowledge of the cards with others is the look on their face when they finally understand who they are and why they are here. I love the joy they receive from understanding their soul’s divine plan for their life and relationships. I love hearing from my clients and students that they now love themselves because they understand the spiritual purpose and lessons of their lives.
"What I love is the compassion and non-judgment they feel and experience for themselves, and that of others, when they learn about this ancient system of self-illumination and transformation. I love showing people that by using the sacred science of the cards that they are never a victim, that they always have choices and are empowered to elevate their lives and relationships in ways they never imagined possible!"
Gina E. Jones has also spoken to numerous groups including Atlanta Alternative Health, Atlanta Unity, Cobb Business Women’s Association, Conscious Life Expo, Forever and a Day, Joy of Connecting, Living Temple, Magi Fellowship, Noetic Sciences, Phoenix and Dragon, Sam Matthews Place, Serenity Place, Theosophical Society, Where Miracles Happen, Unity North, and Rythmia Life Advancement Center.
For speaking engagements and appearances, please complete the contact form below.
Gina E. Jones aka "Queen of Cardology"
[DISCLAIMER: The Cards of Life, its website, blog posts, and information provided are for entertainment purposes. As a matter of fact, all of life is for entertainment purposes. If you are not entertained by life, you are not playing your cards well.]
The Cards of Life is a division of Scene the Light Entertainment, LLC.
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